
Refer a Child to

Farm Club

Please note this is a referral form for a child starting at Farm Club. If you have a general enquiry about the setting or require further information, please click here.

Are you looking to start the Farm Club journey?

Initial Referral Form

Below you will find the initial referral form. It’s important that you are ready to start your journey at Farm Club before completing this form. If you wish to gain extra information, please fill out the general enquiry form on our contact page.

Site Visit

Following the submission of a referral form, Farm Club will get in touch with you to organise a suitable date for a site visit and initial assessment, prior to arranging further sessions to ensure that every student’s needs can be met.


After a successful site visit and initial assessment, professionals will be supplied a log in to complete the remaining referral documents and agreements. Students will not be able to attend Farm Club sessions until these documents are completed in full.

Parents & Carers

In order to complete the referral, parents and carers will also be supplied a log in. Here, permissions forms must be completed, alongside an agreement for the provision to go ahead. Following this, a student will be ready to start their sessions.

Sessions Begin

Once all referral documentation and permissions forms have been completed, a student can begin their sessions. The Farm Club team will be able to confirm a student’s start date once all of the necessary information has been submitted.

Communication & Support

Throughout the referral process and beyond there is support at hand. At any point in the process professionals, parents and carers are welcome to submit an enquiry form on our contact page, or email directly for help.

Getting ready for

Farm Club

What to wear

  • Students should always wear comfortable clothing at Farm Club - there is no dress code. We ask that the weather is considered when choosing clothes for Farm Club i.e. a sufficient amount of layers supplied on colder days. This is because we spend most of our time outdoors, wherever possible.

    Students shouldn’t wear open toe shoes or shoes with a heel as it is impractical for session activities and is unsafe around the farm.

    Sun hats should be worn and sunscreen should be pre-applied when attending Farm Club on sunny or warm days.

What to bring

  • It’s advisable for students to bring a bottle of water to every session. There is a designated cubby for each student for the duration of their session so that bags and other property can be stored away.

    Farm Club encourages healthy eating and regular snacks if needed, so a snack and/or lunch can be sent in with the student and eaten on site at Farm Club if this is a requirement in line with transport arrangements / school timings.

    It is important to note that we are a nut free setting, please ensure the food sent in does not contain nuts.

    If students are bringing technology to Farm Club, (phones, I pads or tablets) they should be made aware in advance that all devices must be handed in at the start of every session. Failure to hand in technology will mean that the session cannot commence.


  • You may like to prepare your child for the journey with some books to read if they are feeling nervous. Some children travel with devices and enjoy listening to music through personal headphones during their journey. Any devices used during their journey will be locked away during the session time (Farm Club is a device free setting) and any reading books can be safely stored in their cubby when they arrive at Farm Club.

    Please let your child know that they will remain in the taxi with their driver and/or chaperone on arrival at Farm Club, until a member of the Farm Club team arrives at the door of the taxi to safely accompany them in through the gate to begin their session.

    When the student departs at the end of their session, the Session Leader and Session Coordinator will support them to collect all their belongings and will accompany them to their taxi where the driver and/or chaperone will take over their care.


How does Farm Club communicate with parents/carers, schools, referring agencies and students before and after a student placement?

  • When a student is referred to Farm Club the office team will offer a Site Visit and Initial Assessment date for the student to attend Farm Club, accompanied by their parent/carer and referring professional. Following on from the Site Visit and Initial Assessment it will be decided if Farm Club can meet the needs of the student.

  • During the onboarding process the office team will be in regular contact with the referring professional to support them with the preparation for the student to begin sessions and to answer any questions they may have.

  • When the student start date is confirmed, the office team will set up a carer communications group with the student’s parent/carer and Farm Club staff. This enables us to build a rapport with the families we work with and gives us a seamless method of contact should there be any messages or updates that are appropriate. These communications are not directly shared with the school as they are generally logistical. However, should professionals request a copy of these communications, this can be arranged given an appropriate timeframe to supply them.

  • Attendance is reported to the referring professional and school the child is on role at, on a daily basis.

  • 1. A Written half termly report - This includes a reflection on the progress the student is making in relation to compliance, emotional regulation, appetite and social integration. It will also detail our specific Farm Club aims for the coming half term.  

    2. Four Student Progress Graphs - The graphs will be sent alongside the written student report to illustrate a student’s journey and progress.

  • When requested, the Farm Club office team will provide feedback to support in the preparation for meetings and reviews.

  • When the student reaches the end of their journey at Farm Club, the office team will ensure the referring professionals have received an up-to-date copy of the progress graphs and a final report to summaries the progress the student has made.

    Parents/carers will be offered the opportunity for the student to remain a friend of Farm Club and to remain in contact with the team for future keeping in touch visits should they like to. The student will be presented with an end of provision certificate keep sake featuring photographs of the animals.